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FC9Xtreme Hardware
Written Review
“ Anche questa volta Streacom con il modello FC9 mette a segno un bel colpo tra i candidati ideali per costruire un sistema HTPC a... ”
FC8Xtreme Hardware
Written Review
“ Streacom con il modello FC8 ha messo a segno un eccellente chassis con raffreddamento completamento pass... ”
FC8Extreme PC Hardware
Written Review
“ Die Begeisterung und der durchweg positive ..... Eindruck ist kaum zu trüben, weshalb sich das FC8 eine uneingeschränkte Empfehl... ”

VU1 – Product Announcement

VU1 , Product News

We are pleased to announce the VU1 …. a modern take on the ‘retro’ moving coil gauges that were commonplace in the analogue era, featuring......

DA6 – Product Announcement

DA6 , Product News

Streacom is pleased to announce the DA6  …. a vertical open frame SFF case with a unique take on design and construction

DB1 – Product Announcement

DB1 , Product News

The high-end CPU and GPU performance arms race has been pushing power and TDP limits higher but fortunately, progress is also being made for more......

DA2 – Product Announcement

DA2 , Product News

We are pleased to announce the DA2 ……. in short ……..  It’s a compact ITX case designed to strike a balance between size and compatibility,......

BC1 – Product Announcement

BC1 , Product News

Today we are delighted to announce the official arrival of the BC1 Open Benchtable, a lightweight, toolless benchtable that has been designed specifically for portability......