Motherboard Location
As outlined in the “using the brackets” section of this guide, the motherboard mounts to the case using the diagonal brackets. Clips fitted to the brackets provide a standoff mounting point and also allow the position to be adjusted.
Depending on the type of motherboard, you can either use 2 or 3 brackets for mounting (i.e. ATX , Micro-ATX all 3, Mini-ITX only 2)

CPU Cooler Assembly Overview
Different CPU makes/models will have slight variations in the parts used for assembly and installation but the general principle will be the same.

Intel Bracket
Z-Height Spacers
Intel CPU
Backplate Retention Screw
Adjustable Backplate Bracket

AMD Bracket
Z-Height Spacers
Backplate Motherboard
Prepare Motherboard for Installation

Backplate Retention Screw
Adjustable Backplate Bracket
Adjustable Nuts
Silicon Bumper
Intel or older generation AMD motherboards require the installation of a backplate. This adds rigidity to the motherboard and provides the mounting points for the cooler retention bracket.
The backplate comprises 2 identical brackets that feature adjustable nuts to adapt to different hole spacing.

Cooler retention hole
Locate the 4 holes around the CPU that are designated for the cooler and mount the 2 brackets to the back of the motherboard using the included backplate retention screws.

With the backplate bracket now installed, you can fit the CPU, RAM and other small components such as M.2 drives to the motherboard.
Prepare Case for Installation

Acrylic Panel
M3HEX Screws
To keep the Evaporator safe during shipping, its secured to the diagonal brackets using an acrylic plate. Before fitting the motherboard, the Evaporator must be moved out of the way and the acrylic panel removed from the case.
Begin by removing the 4 x M3 HEX Screws that secure the Evaporator to the acrylic panel. Carefully bend the Evaporator to make some space for fitting the motherboard.

Quick Release Cable Tie
The acrylic panel is secured to the diagonal brackets with cable ties, remove them to release the panel and remove it from the case.

The diagonal brackets and clips are pre-installed in the correct location for an ATX motherboard, but its worth double checking all the holes match with the motherboard you plan to install just in case things have shifted during transportation.

Intel Evaporator Mounting Bracket
M3 HEX Screws
Finally, fit the appropriate Intel or AMD mounting bracket to the evaporator using the same M3 HEX Screws that were used to secure it to the acrylic panel.
Install the Motherboard & CPU Cooler

Motherboard with Retention Bracket
Fit the motherboard into the case and line it up with the standoffs on the diagonal bracket.

M3 Philips Screw
Secure the motherboard in place using the included M3 screws. The total number needed will depend on the form factor.

Apply thermal paste to the CPU IHS
Z-Height Spacer
Apply thermal paste to the CPU IHS and place the Z-Height spacers (4pcs) on each of the backplate retention screws.

6#32 Screw
Adjust the position of the Evaporator by carefully bending the tubes and lining it up with the CPU. Using the 6#32 screws included, secure the Evaporator to the backplate retention screws.

Bracket Arm
When the 4 screws are fully tightened, the Intel/AMD bracket should have some flex on the arms, applying positive pressure to the CPU.