PSU Installation

Typical PSU Location

Whilst the SG10 is fairly versatile in terms of mounting hardware, for most people, the typical PSU installation location will be behind the motherboard, at the back of the case. This will provide the most convenient location in terms of cable routing.

If for any reason you would like to move the PSU to another location, note that it will only be fixed to the case using the two lower mounts (without the upper mount that uses the diagonal brackets), so it will be less secure if being transported.

PSU Orientation

The orientation of the PSU can be chosen depending on preference. Typically the top side of the PSU will face outward but it can be flipped 180 if needed.

Note that the position of the position of the PSU mount attached to the diagonal bracket must shift to accommodate the different orientation. It is therefor recommended that the PSU be installed before the motherboard to allow for this adjustment.

Fitting the PSU

The PSU mounts are pre-installed in the case at the rear. Begin by removing them from the case

By loosening the screws under the bracket, you can adjust the spacing of the PSU mounts to match the orientation and hole spacing of the PSU. Using the included 6#32 thumbscrews, attach the PSU.

The other universal bracket is designed to support the weight at the front of the PSU. The position should be adjusted so its at the front side of the case. This will depends on the length of the PSU and the exact placement of the PSU in the case.

Fit the PSU into the case by securing the rear universal bracket

Adjust the PSU mount on the diagonal bracket so that it aligns with the 3rd mounting hole of the PSU

Secure the PSU at the top using the included 6#32 thumbscrew.

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